Friday, July 29, 2011

Fighting Inspiration

It's been one year since my mother died, yet I still find it extremely difficult to be productive and active, especially in my art. The first painting I managed to do after her death was one of an Ancient Greek grave stele of a young girl with her doves (Xaipe).After I finished, I thought that maybe it would be unhealthy to continue on this theme of death... and so for little under a year I have forced myself to think of other subjects.

First phase of my Ophelia painting.

I came to realize one morning that I shouldn't fight inspiration, even if it is macabre, because if I am not inspired to do a painting, I can't do it well, I can't be happy with it and I can't finish it successfully. Creating work on the subject of death will actually help me heal and release the overwhelming stress, frustration, sadness, and regret.

Progress of my Ophelia painting.

As soon as I let go and listened to my inspiration, I immediately thought of ideas for new paintings and became excited about them. It feels really good to be excited again about making art.

Don't force yourself to do things you aren't inspired to do. Act on the inspiration and you'll be happier.

The inspiration for my next painting is the tragic Shakespearean character Ophelia, who, through the loss of her father and rejection from Hamlet, was driven mad and drowned in a stream.